



其实这几天,我的收获不小,刚刚上手了Microsoft OneNote的使用方法,然后又注册开通了FlickrBlogger,后面这个是翻墙用的,我还挺自豪,我正在初步领受并掌握Web2.0的应用核心精神,并且在开源网站方面有所收获。







       Today, I chose this title for my blog, not for any meanings, but I couldn't thing out a much more better one, and, ok, tomorrow is the Two years' Anniversaries of Sichuan 512 earthquake , most devotional prays to the survivors in the disaster.

       Just now something wrong happened at the front entrance of the community we are in charge, so I set off to look over with a nightstick. Such a cold weather it is in Mianzhu! I only had a short sleeve wearing on and chilled all the time. At the same time, I got clear-headed in the cool air.

       These days at present, I gained a lot of knowledge. I learned how to make full use of Microsoft OneNote, and then I registered a new account of Flickr and Blogger. I was very proud of what I had done. Gradually I mastered the core spirit of Web 2.0.

       I feel very joyful now, keep it on! No troubles ,go!

       This afternoon I went out for a short tourism with Lirui, for the reason that we had had enough of computer filling out our life. Some healthy experts pointed out that too long time working in front of computer will do harm do our bodies. So we reached to a park at Mianzhu, with a temple and many tea bars in it. I took many photos with several graves, I had been going to upload some of them to my Qzone for sharing , but the internet connection was nor stable so I decided to delay it to tomorrow.

       Step by Step, I am growing up. Something had stay in my mind and will never lose again and that is called experience. I can choose the life style as I like. Something you can understand it but you can't change it, the best way to solve problems is to accept it. Try to give up what you really don't need and treasure now what you have had. Leading a happy and free life, and that is the most wisdom attitude to life and ourselves.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

